Adventure Travel Photos of Bolivia

Travel tales and photos of Tiahuanaco, Lake Titicaca, La Paz, the Pampas and the Andes

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This site contains photos of Lake Titicaca, photos of the bolivian pampas, La Paz, and photos of the bolivian Andes, all taken during a trip to Bolivia in July of 2001. My adventure vacation in Bolivia included the fabulous Choro trek from El Cumbre to Chairo, followed by the exciting drive from Coroico to La Paz. I also spent time in the semi-jungle environs of the Pampas, where we saw monkeys, capabaras, pink dolphins, lots of alligators and caiman, and plenty of birds including the beautiful Macaws. There were also good dayhikes around La Paz, great explorations of ruins and searches for crafts outside of Cochabamba, and some time in Sucre and Tarija, Isla del Sol in Lake Titicaca and finally, Tiahuanaco - possibly the birthplace of civilization in the Americas. All photos depict the life and people as encountered.

Some of my photos of bolivia can be opened to larger displays (when the cursor becomes a pointer, just click).

I also have a written Travelogue of my trip through Bolivia. I hope you enjoy the sites.

If you're interested, you can see photos and travel stories of other countries at World Photos.

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Hiking the Andes