Assorted Photos of Bolivia

Assorted Photos of Bolivia

Photos of Cochabamba, Cliza, Tarabuco, and Huayculi, Bolivia

I hired a car and driver to take me around Cochabamba. I chose not to rent a car on my own because I was going to drive far from the city in search of some pre-Incan ruins that were not going to be easy to find. In fact, Elio - my driver had a difficult time finding them despite stopping and asking many villagers along the way. At one point, we had to drive through a river that crossed a dirt road and got stuck. Eventually, we found our way. The Lonely Planet guide had called the ruins the "Machu Picchu of Bolivia". Sorry! No way! They were disappointing. But the sights I saw along the way made the adventure worthwhile.

As we drove through the countryside, everywhere we went we saw animals marked in red. Sometimes on the head, sometimes on the back or stomach. Although I wasn't able to communicate the question "why?", or perhaps (and I think this is more likely) Elio himself didn't know the answer to the question. I concluded the differences in location of the markings must mean they were a way to mark ownership.

Eventually, Elio stopped to show me some cactus. He managed to make me understand that the cactus was prized as a food. But the cactus are also infested with a parasite that kills them. When these white-colored insects are crushed, they create a pretty pastel red - exactly the color of the markings on the animals. So, whether the markings are for ownership or not, I think the people crush the insects for dye - both to mark their animals and to save the cactus.
Women herding sheep in the mountains outside of Cochabamba, Bolivia.
women herding sheep in the mountains outside Cochabamba
I found these cute little kids in the town of Cliza. When I asked the kids for the name of one of their mothers so that I could send them the photograph, one of them responded "Dona Juana".
kids in the town of Cliza, Bolivia
I stopped for lunch one day in Cliza, Bolivia. This was a quiet little town with a pleasant plaza.
women herding sheep in the mountains outside Cochabamba
This is one of the tidy but dusty sidestreets in Cliza, Bolivia.
a sidestreet in Cliza, Bolivia

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